Anyway, we've re-upped our Disney passes, of course, so we're trying to make the most of them...and remembering why we let them expire in the first place. (Jason and I are just not the most social of people...to the point that even being in contact with crowds and waiting in long lines with a multitude of strangers leaves us both a little grumpy. Joy.)
So we took the kids Saturday morning, as we do, and on the way back to the car, we hopped on the giant, endless escalator that takes us up to our area of the parking structure, and Tyler was all excited to hop on that escuvator all by himself.
I'm sorry, Tyler, honey, what did you say?
I want to get on the escuvator all by myself.
On the what?
The Es-Coo-Vator.
Oh. (Trying to hide my smug "My Kid is So Cute" smile.) Okay, then, I promise I won't try to help.
No, I didn't correct him. He'll learn soon enough what the blasted thing is really called, but in the meantime I'm going to enjoy how cute it sounds to hear my four year-old call an escalator an escuvator. And breakfast "brekdast."
Because I already miss Dar Beeder. Worse than that, I miss Bee-Dah.
Man, they grow up quick...
Ah, enjoy it now! When Adam took Isabelle & Cal fishing the other weekend, Isabelle pointed to a beaver damn and said, "Look Dad, it's a beaver home, you know...a Dammit."
Or when she was younger and she use to point at every American flag she saw and yell out, "Fag, Fag!" Tell me how many turned heads there were on that one while at Disneyland!
So sure, they're cute. But man, it can get you in trouble too!
PS Can't wait to see ya!
Too cute! I love kids mispronunciations! p.s. you guys are social! no one enjoys crowds.
Mispronunciations ROCK!!! It is so cute. Bella use to say watermelon the funniest way. Cracked me up. Her new one is: "Hupda loop" aka Hula Hoop.
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