Trunk or treat was great...we only wish we could have brought the cars indoors for an inside-lighting trunk or treat. (Cars inside? Just imagine!) Anyway, here are Luke and Leia. I know they're twins, yadayada, but you have to admit, these two are a pretty cute pair of sibs!
And yes, Mikayla is trying to eat the plastic...I guess she figured she'd get to the candy eventually! (She got sick of her wig after one go-around, by the way.) And just wait until I figure out how to make Tyler's light saber glow blue!!!
In the meantime, I'll work on some of the others, but these are the best...and we may very well end up going to have pictures taken so we can get a good, professional-type Skywalker Family Group Shot! Stay tuned!

Awesome pics...
Thanks for the comment. You have some great pictures as well!
hi - I posted on your Prop 8 thread, but it had logged me out of my main blogger account - so the other Tracy - that's me. :)
Cute Princes Leia (is that how you spell it?)
(I submitted the post before I realized I was logged in with my other blog - wanted to comment with the real me :))
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