The Common Mommy Denominator

I'm a Mom. I need adult conversation. I need to talk about the banalities and the excitements of life, and be understood by the masses. Most of all, I need feedback. Let's chat. You about yours, me about mine, us about ours. Let's find and discuss the Common Mommy Denominator.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Okay, ONE MORE Quick Political Thang...

It's really, truly funny. If you need a random pick-me-up, it'll make you chuckle. (It's Obama singing and dancing, and I'm STILL chuckling.)


Hizzeather said...

Re: SSB Post

I feel your pain. Thanks for commenting and sharing. It helps to know that I'm not alone with the whole it's-much-too-soon-to-laugh mentality.

FYI, "TAMN" did send me a message kinda-sorta apologizing for her post. I'm not mad about it, I just wish people could understand.

Good luck!


Hizzeather said...

I'm in Aliso Viejo (Orange County)

The Jatens said...

Glad you enjoyed my blog. Check in any time. Oh, I love your Halloween costumes. That's great. Tell me when you move to AZ, I'm desperate for friends. :-)

Kim said...

That was funny. Pretty cool that someone can do that. I am not that computer talented. Well let's see if the next 4 years will be funny or will he really "Change" things (for the better).

Sarah said...

Love that! Still laughing myself. Thanks for the comment on my blog, comment anytime :) I feel the same way!! YEAH WE WON! :)

Anonymous said...

I hope you have seen all the protests on the news against the Mormon Church. I have added your families name along with copies of the words/posts you put on your blog to help promote discrimination and hate on California.

For the FIRST time in AMERICAN HISTORY people have voted to TAKE AWAY rights from a group of people.

You all are so ignorant, you cannot even see what you have created. The Mormon Church is in a WHOLE heap of trouble.


Congrats...Everyone can know your family helped HURT Americans simply because you are a bigot.

AMERICA IS NOT A RELIGION and if you are going to push hate on the internet....BE PREPARED BECAUSE IT WAS COPIED

Dreaming when I should be working said...

Hi Jessica,

Looks like this is as political as you get :)

Just responding to your comment on my blog (thank you for it). I don't think that Prop 8 supporters are against homosexuals but I think a lot of gay people feel that way. I just don't think marriage needs to be protected from a group of people who want to use it for the same reason heterosexuals show the world their commitment. Best regards to you and your family.