The Common Mommy Denominator

I'm a Mom. I need adult conversation. I need to talk about the banalities and the excitements of life, and be understood by the masses. Most of all, I need feedback. Let's chat. You about yours, me about mine, us about ours. Let's find and discuss the Common Mommy Denominator.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Steve Young Gives $50k to No on 8

Being that he is such a public figure, I want to know if he's had his temple recommend taken away yet.


Anonymous said...


Rachel said...

That is kind of a personal question. I myself am surprised by Steve Young's actions, but does that mean we should judge? Are you perfect in obeying the commandments of the prophets? Do you hold Family Home Evening every Monday night? Study your scriptures daily: personally, with your family and with your spouse? How about a years worth of food storage? I am not trying to be rude by any means, but we all have the agency to choose the right. Does that mean we obey all the commandments all the time? No, but we try too. I would hate to be in the public eye, like Steve Young. No, it was not right of him to go against the counsel of the prophet, but each of us do it on a daily basis. Should we all have our temple recommends taken away as well? I think this article from the church says it very nicely:

Jessica Martiele said...

I don't think I expressed myself well; what I meant was he is using his fame (and money) to fight something we've been asked to, fececiously, (sp?) I'm asking if he's still someone that, as a result of his very public statement, we should be offering love and money and fame. I think, by the way, we MUST judge people's actions, though not neccesarily people. But if someone from the church is going to speak out so publicly against it, I think the public, in turn, has a right to judge whether or not his actions are appropriate. I suppose, too, I am also speaking from frustration, being that here is a man with the potential to do so much good, to work for and with us for the betterment of our society, and he's coming out the "white hat" when the rest of us are called bigots. I don't know how much effort anyone in AZ put into 102, but honestly, I sure didn't see or hear about much. We busted our butts here, were ridiculed and called names and treated like dirt, and even our win for the sake of our children has been defiled by a self-righteous minority in the wrong, so this is a pretty sensitive topic around here with people like myself. I appreciate that the church is not taking averse action with those who rejected the word of the Lord - that's kinder than I'd be, and I'm grateful not to have to make the judgement - but I'm left feeling disgusted by people like Steve Young's wife's everything-to-everybody statements. And I think there's a real difference between attempting to obey the commandments and the prophets and calling up the news to make a statement about how and why you are NOT obeying the commandments or the prophet.