I did say AGAIN, didn't I?
So that's Mikayla ahead of the rest of us, having had the flu twice...Tyler and I still standing at only once...and Jason falling behind, having escaped the flow of vomit.
Tyler and Mikayla are tied for first in the cold realm, however, finishing up their third - count them, 3!!! - bout of stuffy-head, coughing, sneezing, and basically gooing all over everything, while I've only had a cold twice thus far, and Jason? Yeah. He kinda-sorta had a cold for a day or two there.
But seriously, everyone I know has been sick this (late in the) flu season. Bridget's got a cold. My folks have been trading it back and forth for weeks. Kim and Bella are praying it doesn't hit...again. Cory's family has been passing it around, too...so basically, if you have kids or you're around kids, you've been nailed this season.
Sometimes I wonder if maybe there is some sort of really awful disease being developed as a weapon by a terrorist group that our government has been made aware of and their method of dealing with it is to infect the entire nation with a teeny-tiny dose of the illness to build their people's immunity, and that's why people sometimes die of the flu or from colds-turned-something else. Conspiracy theorists, GO! But really, all those flu strains? They're just the next crazy disease someone in a lab is putting together to kill us all, and the CDC is just as busy trying to counter them.
Yeah, yeah, I'm full of it, but you have to admit, I have a pretty awesome imagination.
Anyway, we're well on the way to a full recovery (at least for the next 3 days, until someone picks up some sort of NEW bug!) and should be a go for an AZ trip a week from tomorrow! So Bradshaws (and Rogers and Robbins), prepare yourselves, because the CA Bradshaws are (almost) on the way!
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