So, Sunday and Monday were more or less "uneventful", which means we weren't "scheduled" to do anything but enjoy. In the "Alice" entry below, you'll see that we went to church and heard Mom and Dad speak,

(and for those of you who know the intricasies of our ward, this is one of the first times I can remember REALLY communing with the Spirit in, well, YEARS!) and then headed back to Mom and Dad's to meet up with Stan and Katrina and Jason and Brandon and Zac and Jared and Crystal (all appearing at various times throughout the afternoon and evening) to enjoy some of Mom's always-phenomenal Pot Roast and some Molten Chocolate Cakes.

How my Mom-in-law manages to always make a perfectly-tasty, insanely moist-and-tender pot roast, I'll never know.

I've watched, learned, taken notes, and duplicated to the best of my ability her technique...and still I fail. UGH. Must be a Polish thing.
Anyway, we got to spend a little more time with Crystal this trip, who I adore, and got some excellent shots of Brandon working his Ninja-esque magic, as well as Zac and his squeeze-them-'til-they-pop uber-cute cheeks!

Monday we spent some time at the park, ate far too much Dairy Queen for a single week, and just had some quality bonding time with Mom

and Dad. All told, it was a fabulous (and much-needed) break, and Jason came back (mostly) refreshed...and, dare I say, maybe a little more eager to give public accounting the boot, realizing that he could be spending ever so much more time with his own family. Sigh. It's a love-hate thing.

Oh, did I mention that Julie left Reilly with Mom and Dad and we brought her home with us on Tuesday night as a souvenir? Okay, maybe not a souvenir, per se, but a continuance of our vacation, and a beginning to hers. More on that to follow...and...DUM-DUM-DUUUUUUMMM...

the Korean Bathhouse!!! (You KNOW you want to go!) Stay tuned!
thank you :)
Jessica, I can tell you an easy way to make a melt-in-the-mouth pot roast using a crockpot. Just take a chuck roast, hold it under the faucet till both sides are wet, liberally sprinkle garlic salt on both sides. Put into the crockpot on low. Eight hours later, eat this absolutely scrumptious meat.
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