In other news, I'm writing a book. Sorry to go all Stephanie Meyers on you guys, but hey, I had an idea and I'm running with it. Check back...oh, a couple months from now, when I have more than the first couple chapters.
Tyler's loving preschool, and loving having Bella over Monday and Wednesday afternoons for a couple-hour playdate. Most of his friends are girls...I think it's the eyelashes...though he does have a host of rough-and-tumble boy buddies as school.
One of them asked his mother last week if he could get glasses too, just like Tyler. And I was worried he'd get teased for his glasses! Too cool.
I've realized something about no longer being on Facebook...I don't want to be that accessible! We, people, are the last generation ABLE to escape finding...the last age group who only reconnect with people with whom we WANT to reconnect. We are also the last generation who can comfortably say we've moved on and maintained ONLY the connections we've selected. And I think that's incredibly healthy. Maybe others have no regrets, or have loads of time to waste on Facebook, even if it's only 3 minutes a day, and want to put themselves out there to hook up with their best friend from 6th grade...but I also wonder how many relationships and/or marriages have been ruined by people "reconnecting."
Anyway, I'm glad to be among the last of the Gen Y'ers (I missed Gen X by 5 - 10 years, I think) who can maintain old friendships that I CHOOSE to maintain, who isn't competing like a high school girl to see how many friends I can make (or how many I can reject), and who makes friendships NOW that are appropriate to my age and stage in life.
Little rant.
Anyway, Jason is taking some time off work the middle of this month...and rather than invest it in what we'd originally thought, for those in the know, we are reconsidering and may be taking a short family vacation, probably including a visit to AZ.
So, Phoenix/Casa Grande/Tucson, look for use mid-month-ish...probably the weekend of the 19/20/21, but there will be more details to follow as we get closer and actually make PLANS.
I'm including a few San Juan photos herein for your visual enjoy! (It was our "entire" CA family, including my folks, sister and hubby, and me, Jay and the kids...good times!) (The significance of the ring and pennies, by the way, is that my sister randomly decided to see if a couple of pennies fit inside her husband's titanium wedding ring.
They did. And then she couldn't get them out. Did I mentioned the ring is titanium? But then my husband came to the rescue. Victor made a crack about "how many men does it take to get 2 pennies out of 1 titanium wedding band?" "Three. The husband, his father-in-law, and his brother-in-law!")
And honestly, I have nothing more intelligent to report at the moment, except that homemade pesto spread on a hunk of ciabatta, then topped with fresh tomato slices and 1/4" hunks of fresh buffalo mozzarella and dipped in balsamic vinegar make just about the best sandwich EVER. TALK about a cheese sandwich!
Love to all, and hopefully more soon!
You look so great Jess!! Seriously you are inspiring me to work out more! Your kids are soooo cute. I love the glasses. And that sandwich sounds divine.
Children should be very fun to visit with the animals. Kisses
ola jessica! I am happy that you liked my work! you know crochet?
I'm excited to hear u guys might be coming out for a visit to AZ. We'd luv to see u and maybe join u for a sushi binge while you're here. I guess your change of plans is a good thing? In any case, keep me posted. I was considering a trip out to CA for Spring break with Brandon and Zac but frankly I was a bit scared of the drive with a six month old.
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