The Common Mommy Denominator

I'm a Mom. I need adult conversation. I need to talk about the banalities and the excitements of life, and be understood by the masses. Most of all, I need feedback. Let's chat. You about yours, me about mine, us about ours. Let's find and discuss the Common Mommy Denominator.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

"Funny, Huh?" and Other Details

I'm lying in bed this morning, lounging a bit, (we have 11 - 2 church now instead of 9 - noon,) and I hear Mikayla babbling to her brother in the living room. I'm not sure what she was talking about exactly, but she said, and I quote:

"Ty! Mia Pina-Pina! Funny, huh? Heh heh, Yeah!"

Again, really, no idea what she was talking about, but it was the "Funny, huh?", the half-hearted chuckle, and the proclamation that, Yes, Mia IS funny that got me.

So then it was time for a bath because, let's be honest here, it's been a good 2 1/2 days since the kids have bathed, (Gotta have priorities, right?, and spending good, quality time with Daddy over the weekend trumps tub time. Such is life!) and today is church. I started running the tub, then went in the kitchen to put something away, Tyler trailing after yelling, "WOOOOOWWW! We never ever ever take a bath after we get up from ni-night! WOOOOWWWW!!!"

It was like he'd won the lottery!

Anyway, he's all excited and takes Mikayla's hand, leading her to the bedroom saying, "Let's take your clothes off so you can be ready for the bath!" I'm thinking that'll take the next 15 minutes so I go about my business, but the next thing I know, Mia's streaking to the bathroom yelling, "MIA NAY'DED!" and Tyler's showing me Mikayla's diaper, explaining, "Look, Mom! No poo-poo, just pee-pee!" followed by "Good job, Mikayla!"

So I go in to adjust the water temp in the tub and here comes Tyler: "I'm naked! I'm naked! I want to get in the warm bath!" and he's shivering like the last leaf on an autumnal tree in a windstorm.

Finally everyone's in the tub, and I hear Mikayla babbling yet again, this time to her plastic floating Mamma duck..."Otay, du'dee, open a mouf. Now, dee-dit, pit-did, you did-dit!" In case you need a translation: "Okay, your mouth! Now, drink it, spit did it!"

Amazing what the smallest of children will come up with, particularly since I remember arguing with Jason that Tyler didn't understand half of what we were telling him at this same age, primarily because I didn't understand that, even though Tyler couldn't communicate (with all 6 words he knew) didn't mean he didn't get it! I underestimated my child. And I'd like to say I'll never make the same mistake again, and I'll try not to, but inevitably, it's likely I'll underestimate one or the both of them again at some point...soon.

Anyway, last but not least, check out the (completely unrelated) photos in this's my second attempt at the soup, with an increase in quantities and a replacement of olive oil for bacon grease...YUUUUUUUMMMM. (Less healthy, I know, but...YUUUUUUUUMMMM!) Anyway, the photos don't do it justice, but, MAN!, that's good stuff!

Off to ready MYSELF for church! Happy Sunday!


Kim said...

I love when kids get do to something out of the norm. They get super excited:) Se you in RS

Anonymous said...

Hola, soy gustavo te agradezco por mirar y opinar sobre mi blog.
Ahora estoy mirando el tuyo y me parece muy original, las fotos son muy lindas.
Suerte y saludos.