I LOVE this picture...it was right at the end, and though Bella was bored, she really snuggled in to her mom right here...I just wish you could see the next couple of shots where she starts to giggle and tickle and tease her mom. Maybe Kim will post some! :)

I don't know how it worked out, but Bella put her little foot up at JUST the right time. Seriously, people, this was the very first shot of the day!

It's hard to tell in this picture, but Bella's jeans are sparkly, which made it PERFECT in the morning light.

We're still not sure what Bella was looking at here, but what a precious photo of the both of them...especially the way it captures Bella's personality perfectly.

I think this was the best of the day, all cuddly and close...Kim is fabulous, of course, (and looked fabulous in every photo!) but Bella's little indulgent grin took the cake. Looooooove it!
Jessica Hello, my blog is geared more to the Brazilian public, but some documentaries are made in English and Portuguese with subtitles. As the comics of Hagar I advise you to visit this site http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/fun/hagar.asp where every day is a new comic and the English language. Follow my blog because it put many news in several languages mainly in English.
A hug
Hi Jessica, apologies for hijacking the comment box, but I couldn't find any quicker way to drop a thank you. So... thank you for your comments on Random Shots.. a blog is such an odd thing, one is able to communicate with people one would never even notice were they in the same room. I've never done the mommy / daddy thing, but I have a healthy respect for it. You comment on trying and failing - I would rather say that those who don't try do not know what it is to reach, to not be tall enough, but to reach again, and again, until that wall is in the past and a new one is found to challenge and encourage us to be thankful we live. There is nothing about failure, or even just failing, in there anywhere. It is ok for babies to stand and flop down and try again, but somehow its not ok for adults... how odd is that? So, (1) thank for dropping by - I've put a couple more pics up - I'm writing this from Blantyre, Malawi, where I'm on a business trip - in an attempt to communicate Africa to an uncomprehending world ;-) and (2) anyone who gets that small smile staring up at them from a cot can never say they are failing. You're doing just fine, girl! Just fine.
I love the pictures of Kim and Bella! Kim is my sister-in-law!
The pictures capture both of their personalities! Great job!!
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