The Common Mommy Denominator

I'm a Mom. I need adult conversation. I need to talk about the banalities and the excitements of life, and be understood by the masses. Most of all, I need feedback. Let's chat. You about yours, me about mine, us about ours. Let's find and discuss the Common Mommy Denominator.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Joy of Body Noises

Goo and I are in the kitchen just now, and she burps like no burp she's ever had before.

So what does she do? Does she say "excuse me" like we've taught her?

Of COURSE NOT. She laughs. Loud, long, and from the belly. And then she says, "Mommy, Mia buuup. Funny, huh?"

And you know what? It really was...

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